Revised Version, Gallery pictures of the Ambassabank have been removed since XCL 2.0 has been released.
Ok, so your an Ambassador now? Or, have you been for a long period of time and still don't know how to get this thing down? Either way in this How-To I am going to tell you how to use one of the biggest feature called the Ambassabank. This feature serves the purpose of containing and displaying Support questions that a "Helpee" asks. On the Helpee's end, they see a chatroom with directions to get a hold of a Ambassador. On yours, it is a bit different.
Entering the Ambassabank for the First Time?
If you are visiting the ambassabank for the first time then you may see some things that are a little, weird, for the first time. It is a very complicated system, but is very easy to use. It has questions from Xbox Customers who are seeking a Xbox Ambassador/Support. Most people contact Xbox Ambassadors instead of calling Xbox Support because it is easier and less time consuming. Lets get to the steps...
Head Over to the Ambassabank
Obviously you need to go to the ambassabank page to asnwer questions/support chats. Here is a link to the Ambassabank :
Choose a Question You Want to Answer, But...
Don't click on just any question because it is going to expire really soon or just because its a short question. If you do not know what you are talking about, this can be stressful and you will get a bad rating as an Ambassador. If it is your first time, I recommend you pick on the simple questions like "I'm getting a error code when Im signing in" or "Where do I go to get my Xbox repaired?". The simple questions. If you know the more harder questions, go ahead.
Identify a Troll Before Chatting with Anyone
If you see a VERY obscene, gross, inappropriate question. Mark them as a #Troll. This will remove their question from the feed and ban them temporally from using the support page. You must make surethat they are indeed a troll, because you don't know if it is actually a real question that may seem weird, but come out to be real! This happens sometimes. You can also Identify a troll during the chat.
Lets Rap It Up
Thats all for now. I will be posting another How-To soon! If you have any questions, just write a comment and I will try to answer it ASAP!
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